The Everhearth Inn is a passion project set up by a trio of Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts, aiming to bring together members of the community through a mutual love of all things fantasy, roleplaying and general geekery.
But who is standing behind the bar serving drinks, or slaving away in the kitchen, or studiously working on the books upstairs?
I’ll tell you the (very brief and boring) tale….
We all met at University, and became fast friends through our collective nerdom. An appreciation of video games, movies and TV shows always lays a strong foundation for friendship. But at this time none of us had ever delved in to the somewhat intimidating world of roleplaying, mentioned only in whispers in the night.
It wasn’t until a few years later, after one of us had moved to a different part of the world, that we all experienced our baptism.
As many others before us, it was Critical Role that was our succubus, tempting us is in with grand adventures and sexy, silky voices. We would message each other, across continents, sharing our interest and excitement for this newly discovered world. And of course it wasn’t long before talk of running our own games surfaced.
We spent years sharing all the latest stories from our D&D sessions, recommending new live play podcasts to check out, and exchanging advice on worldbuilding and game running.
The D&D community became one of the best that we have all ever experienced. We had always talked about starting something together, and more than anything we just wanted to become a bigger part of this community. So plans were drawn up, and the Everhearth Inn was born.
Although we do our best to keep the Inn spick and span and food on every table, Everhearth Inn is very much a passion project and we all have day jobs to keep the lights on. But we’re hoping that a website like this gives us an opportunity to connect with as many of you incredible people as we possibly can.
Please feel free to send us a message using any of the links below and enjoy your stay!
Love Chloe, Drew & Jack