Come in from the cold and let’s get you a drink

The Everhearth Inn represents a place where travelers from across the land can visit to share our in love of all things Dungeons and Dragons, fantasy and roleplay.
825 C Merrimon Ave
Ste 398
Asheville, NC 28804
After a long day of adventuring, you find yourself lost in the woods in the rain. Your bones are aching and your stomach rumbles as you struggle, disoriented, trying to scrap together at least some semblance of shelter. As you try to lash together a lean-to you notice a dancing light through the trees.
The first sign of any life you’ve seen in days, you scramble towards it, eventually realizing it is the light of a fireplace, shimmering through a distant window. The smell of stew fills your nostrils and the sounds of laughter and music dance across the trees. Your luck has changed, you’ve found an inn for the night! As you approach you realize this doesn’t seem to be any regular inn. There are no pathways leading to the door or nearby roads, and the area in general seems entirely untouched by the presence of this inn. However a large training yard is out back, currently unused in the dark rainstorm, and its neat fields seem mismatched with the nature around it. Two adventurers, an extremely tall one strumming on a lute and a hunter restringing his bow, sit on the front porch and notice your arrival. They quickly run out into the rain to help you limp in after your tough day.
“Where am I?” you ask. “Why, you’re at the Everhearth Inn!” the hunter replies, pointing to the hanging sign above the door of a flaming 20 sided dice. “Every adventurer’s tavern. It magically travels, portalling lost adventurers in and out, giving them a place to stay and call home.” The giant one speaks up, “Seems the Inn’s magic decided you needed a place to rest! Head inside and meet everyone, my name’s Oleg, and the puny one here is Halvar. We’re some of the owners, welcome!”
You open the thick oak door and a gust of warm air smacks you in the face, filled with the smell of stew, firewood, and a faint bitter smell of potions being brewed. A large fireplace is to your right, surrounded by feasting hall tables stuffed with adventurers sharing stories and munching on chicken legs. A tall half-orc mimes a dragon flapping its wings while telling of his recent quest in front of the fireplace as people in armchairs surround him in awe. To the left you notice several booths of various parties checking their gear, drawing on maps, brewing potions, and sharpening swords. Beyond them lies an immense wall of bookshelves, featuring hovering hammocks filled with adventurers grabbing books, reading, and napping. A back hallway shows a hint of rows and rows of travelling merchants who’ve set up shop for a while at the Inn as adventurers peruse their wares. Near the fireplace is a stairwell leading up to the rooms available for rent.
Lastly, directly in front of you is the main bar, lined with casks of various drinks and a handful of bartenders sliding mugs to thirsty patrons. Eisa the elf, one of the owners of the inn, bursts out from the kitchen behind the bar, hauling a massive cauldron of stew with a levitation spell as the crowd erupts in cheer, scrambling to the bar with their bowls. A fizzle and crack go off behind you and the front door swings open again, however the view outside is of a different place, a jungle this time, as some new weary adventurers enter with the same bewildered but relieved look as you. Seems the inn traveled to some new adventurers in need.
Amidst the chaos, you notice a chair by the bar is open, and patrons seated nearby catch your eye and wave you over with a smile. As you begin to process what this place is, you start to feel at home, and head over to your open seat to meet your new friends.
~Welcome to the Everhearth Inn, every adventurer’s tavern where there’s always an open seat. We’re happy you made it!~
At Everhearth Inn, our mission is to be a place everyone can call home. Our site is where you can find all of our recipes, DnD/gaming articles filled with wisdom, our store with a passionate focus for consumer-friendly practices and quality goods, and our community. You can also sign up for our Patreon to gain exclusive perks!
Tavern Owners
Find out more about the people behind the scenes running the show
Music Usage
You may have heard a delightful tavern soundscape in the background of some of our videos. These sounds are licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License. Credit to the individual sounds goes as follows: